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To access this collection - Holiday Cards (click on the link) or click on a specific category below.

Welcome to my Holiday Cards collection. I have created these animated cards for you to share with a friend, family member or anyone special in your life.  Some of these card collections have been created in five languages - English, French, German, Italian and Spanish. Please feel free to share these with your family and friends.

animated Kawanzaa card

Click this link for the Kawanzaa Collection

animated Octoberfest cards
animated independence day around the world card

Click this link for the Octoberfest Collection

Click this link for the Independence Day (World) Collection

animated Hallowwen Day card
animated Labor/Labour Day cards

Click this link for the Halloween Collection

Click this link for the Labor/Labour Day Collection

animated St. Patrick's Day card

Click this link for the St. Patrick's Day Collection

animated Day of the Dead card

Click this link for the Day of the dead Collection

animated Happy Chanukah card
animated Happy Hanukkah card

Click this link for the Chanukah/Hanukkah Collection

animated Chinese New Year card
animated Happy Holi card

Click this link for the Chinese New Year Collection

Click this link for the Diwali Collection

animated Easter card

Click this link for the Easter Collection

animated Eid al-Fitr card
animated Happy Holi card

Click this link for the Holi Collection

animated Ramadan card

Click this link for the Ramandan & Eid-al-Fitr Collection

animated Valentine's Day card
animated Valentine's Day card

Click this link for the Valentine's Day Collection

animated Xmas greeting cards in English
animated Xmas greeting cards in English
animated Xmas greeting cards in French
animated Xmas greeting cards in German
animated Xmas greeting cards in German
animated Xmas greeting cards in Italian
animated Xmas greeting cards in Italian
animated Xmas greeting cards in Spanish
animated Xmas greeting cards in Spanish
animated gnome thanksgiving card
animated gnome thanksgiving card
animated greeting cards in 5 languages: English, French, German, Italian & Spanish
animated greeting cards in 5 languages: English, French, German, Italian & Spanish
animated greeting cards in 5 languages: English, French, German, Italian & Spanish
animated greeting cards in 5 languages: English, French, German, Italian & Spanish
animated greeting cards in 5 languages: English, French, German, Italian & Spanish
animated greeting cards in 5 languages: English, French, German, Italian & Spanish

Click this link for the Thanksgiving Greetings Collection in 5 languages. 

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